
【Wealth Succession】HMRC issues new guidance on penalties for TRS non-registration

HMRC has issued three new guidance documents on the new obligation to register and maintain trust information on its Trust Registration Service (TRS).

The documents explain when HMRC will issue a penalty charge for not registering a trust or not keeping the entry up to date, how to ask for a review or appeal the charge and how to pay it. The penalty can be up to GBP5,000 if HMRC suspects deliberate non-compliance.

HMRC will take decisions on whether to issue a penalty on a case-by-case basis. 'Registering a trust is a new requirement and we recognise that trustees may not be familiar with the process', says the guidance. 'We will not charge you a penalty if we find out that you have failed to register or to maintain a trust, as long as this was not deliberate behaviour [and] you take action to correct this within the time limit we set. We will only charge you a penalty if we decide you deliberately failed to register a trust or to update its details'...

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